Beats Buffet

The Iridescent Experience

Esan Ellis,

Esan Ellis is a new artist who took an unconventional path to discover his love for art. That path was trying to avoid COVID-induced boredom.

He had never pursued any artistic activity before that, except for drawing his favorite superhero as a kid. But then came COVID, and he was determined not to let the monotony of confinement get to him. So he channeled his energy into learning a new skill.

After 150-odd paintings and an ever-evolving style (he hardly sleeps), we now have his Iridescent Experience. The idea was born out of his immediate obsession with iridescent paints and texture. Esan never plans a painting ahead of time but lets the texture determine the outcome.

Food: Bonyard
Drinks: CIRKA
Music: Réginald Godsta
Photos and website: Alain Guillot

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